H.E. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Master recognized by the Dalai Lama, was born, raised, and educated in Tibet. He began studying Buddhism at the Dzogchen Monastery at the age of five. Khenpo spent ten years at the Dzogchen Shri Singha Five Sciences University, first studying and later teaching the five major sciences of Fine Arts, Medicine, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Buddhism, as well as the five minor sciences of Poetics, Synonomy, Prosody, Drama, and Astrology. He attained the degree of “Khenpo” at the unprecedented age of twenty one and is the author of more than thirty books on the five major Buddhist sciences. Under difficult conditions, with little food and only a few tattered clothes, Khenpo spent a total of seven years in secluded meditation in caves located in the Siltrom Mountain range in the Holy Dzogchen area of Tibet. Khenpo is a 33rd generation lineage holder of authentic Buddhist teachings. He is a world-renowned master who has taught thousands of students in more than forty countries around the world.
We are truly fortunate that Khenpo will be in Boulder City to give teachings this month. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet and learn from an authentic lineage holder and master of meditation. All are welcome to attend.
Khenpo teaches in English, and his teachings are rich in analogy and humor. He speaks directly to our deepest questions with the sincere wish to help us wake up to our true nature. Khenpo teaches people of all religions how to transform negative thinking (anger, anxiety, jealousy, impatience, etc) into positive thinking (love and compassion). Through the teachings of Dzogchen Buddhism, we can all learn direct methods to help us decrease suffering and increase happiness. These teachings are practical and are designed to be integrated into our daily lives, so that we can begin to relate to ourselves and others in a positive way.
In the US, many people aren’t quite sure what Buddhism is. Khenpo teaches that Buddhism is positive thinking. It is very important that we examine our own thinking if we want to be truly healthy, have good relationships, and peace. While we all agree that these qualities are important, most of us do not realize how profoundly our thinking influences us. Positive thinking does not mean wishful thinking or affirmations to get what we want. According to Buddhist teachings there are five aspects of positive thinking. The first is renunciation. Renunciation is not renouncing the material world, family, or friends. It simply means “I renounce my negative thinking.” In other words, “I renounce my anger. I renounce my jealousy. I renounce my worry. I can see that this type of thinking causes suffering, and I don’t want to suffer any more.” The second aspect of positive thinking is compassion, the deep heart wish, “I don’t want anyone to suffer any more.” The third aspect of positive thinking is faith. “I know that my true nature is peace, love, and happiness.” The fourth aspect of positive thinking is loving kindness, “ I want every being to realize that their true nature is peace, love, and happiness.” The fifth aspect of positive thinking is wisdom, which is the root of the four components of positive thinking. Without wisdom, it is impossible to correctly renounce negative thinking, impossible to have true compassion, impossible to have faith, and impossible to extend loving kindness to all beings.
One of Khenpo’s intentions is to clarify misperceptions regarding Buddhism. The path of Buddhism is called the middle way. It is neither self denial nor over indulgence. It is a joyful path that enriches our lives in every way.
Khenpo will be teaching in Las Vegas on Friday, September 23, 2005 from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. at the Lohan School of Shaolin. Khenpo will be teaching right here in Boulder City on Saturday, September 24, 2005 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at the multi use building (in Central park by the city pool.), and on Sunday, September 25, 2005 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at 515 Cayuga Court (private home - all are welcome). Reservations are required, as space is limited. Please call Pati at 279-9523 to register. Admission to these events is free of charge. Donations are greatly appreciated. Suggested donation : $40.