With worry and fear, our adrenal glands secrete adrenaline and cortisol. Although these two chemicals are necessary during the flight or fight stress response, they are damaging to the body in the case of chronic worry. Adrenaline and cortisol dilate arteries, increase heart rate, increase oxygen consumption creating shallow breathing, increase blood sugar and cholesterol, decrease white blood cells, and make platelets sticky. Platelets may then stick to artery walls, creating an area where blood fats can collect. When these fats harden, they narrow the arteries. Constant worry and anxiety can pave the way for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
With anger, the chemical nor adrenaline is secreted; arteries constrict, the heart is forced to work harder, blood pressure increases and micro tears are created at the branch points in the circulatory system. These tears are later repaired with plaque, also contributing to hardening of the arteries. In addition, not only are anger and worry considered acidifying to the body, they set off a chain reaction of stress responses throughout the endocrine system, setting the stage for health problems.
The good news is that we choose our thoughts. Positive thinking protects us from the damaging affects of chronic negativity. It enhances the immune system, allows us to relax and breathe well, and is the foundation for peace of mind and good health. Spend time with love, compassion, prayer, and meditation. Surround yourself with and learn from people that are positive and happy.
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Contact Pati at patikearns@yahoo.com