I’m going into 6th grade and Junior High. I’m so excited because I’m finally going to a different school. I’m looking forward to all sorts of new stuff like meeting new friends, having more than one classroom and getting to ride a bus.
Before school starts I will be going clothes shopping with my mom. The first place I want to go is the mall. There are lots of stores there I like to shop at, but of course my mom will take me to Kohls and TJ Maxx for sales.
Next my mom will take me shopping for school supplies. We like to go to Office Depot so I can get design folders, red and black pens, and other things I need. I also like shopping at K-Mart for the little stuff like pencils, rulers and erasers. I’m glad my mom will be helping me to remember what I need!
My first day. I will have to meet my new teachers, and I’m used to having only one. I will also have to have a locker, which is a new responsibility. I wonder how much homework I will have in Junior High? Where do I go when I get off the bus and where is my first class? Will I have to dissect in science class like I’ve heard? English is a new class for me, but I look forward to math, reading, PE and explorations. I mostly look forward to playing at the park with my new friends while we wait for the bus.