Is a marvelous cook? Has magical ways with plants, especially cacti and succulents? Worked for Dr.s John and Judith Americks as their office manager for many years? Does beautiful needlework? Has recently developed an enthusiastic interest in genealogy? Is a gifted pianist/organist and served as the Grace Community Church Choir’s accompanist? Was a chattier at her dads’ grocery store (Layton’s, where the Utah Street 7-11 now stands)?
Nita grew up in Boulder City, and like most of us who long for far-off places has long imagined living somewhere other than her home town. We’re happy for her she is getting the chance to pursue that dream, but we will miss working with her, because when Nita did it, it got done right!
Long ago, Country Store was not a Boulder City event; it was a Clark County celebration. People came every year from Henderson and Las Vegas to renew friendships as well as to find bargains. In those days, there was a meal served on Friday nights - a chili supper or a barbecue - and for years, Nita was chair or co-chair. This project took a great deal of planning, but with Nita in charge, it was always a huge success.
Serving as the organist and pianist at Grace Community Church was sometimes a full-time job for Nita, especially during the holidays. There were extra rehearsals, special practices for soloists and all manner of added burdens for her to assume. Those involved were grateful for her patience and her musical adaptability.
Chamber, Rotary and the Boulder Dam Hotel Board were only a few of Nita’s interests. When Nita was director of the Chamber of Commerce she initiated several new programs, and remarkably, when she gave up her job as director, she continued to work on Chamber projects. For years, she helped prepare bags and candles for the annual luminaria lighting. She has chaired the raffle for the Spring Jamboree, and she could always be depended on to help with other Chamber activities.
As a Rotary member, Nita helped with the first Wurstfest, and later she chaired the Wurstfest silent action. She also helped with the first all-night party for graduating seniors.
For the past several years, Nita has been on the committee to plan and execute the Easter Sunrise Service overlooking Lake Mead. Whatever the weather or conditions, Nita’s contribution formed a major part of the event’s success.
We can’t deny that part of Nita’s unwavering success was due to the efforts of Jack, who dutifully hauled, lifted, picked up, returned, built, dismantled, and otherwise involved himself in Nita’s projects. Nita and Jack are a great team.
We will miss them both. When the little white trailer on 7th Street rolled out of town and on toward the East Coast, it’s departure emphasized the fact the Boulder City’s loss is most certainly Richmond’s gain.