Spotlight on Business
by Cynthia Oakley
Doodlebug Bazaar
“It's official, the first Saturday in December has been proclaimed Doodlebug Bazaar Day by Boulder City Mayor Bob Ferraro. This year’s event is December 3, 2005, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Boulder City Recreation Center, 900 Arizona Street,” said Bazaar Chairpersons Phyllis Holsey and Tillie Lucero.
The Doodlebug Bazaar features 138 booths of handcrafted items, a raffle of many of those items, a cafe/bakery of homemade treats and sloppy joes for hungry shoppers.
Customers of all ages arrive in Christmas attire and shop the Boulder City Parks and Recreation Center Gymnasium from booth to booth. Neighbors meet neighbors and guests from out-of-town drop in. Christmas excitement builds as children visit Santa, and after the Doodlebug Bazaar ends the Boulder City Christmas Parade begins.
The Community Club has achieved purpose for 30 years by sponsoring the Doodlebug Bazaar. The money raised through booths, the raffle and baked goods sold is donated to any Boulder City organization requesting funds for worthy needs.
The Doodlebug Bazaar is a phenomenon that brings the community together. The Boulder City Parks and Recreation facilities are open, craft people present their work for sale and for a chance in the raffle drawings, shoppers cross off gifts to buy from their lists and enjoy refreshments with friends and family.
Behind the scenes Community Club members have manned committees to make this Doodlebug Bazaar a success. The result is approximately $10,000.00. 2004-2005 donations included Lend-A-Hand, Emergency Aid, Boys and Girls Club, Senior Games, Fire Dept.-defibulator, BC Museum & Historical Assn.- book shelves, SafeNest, American Legion - Girl’s State, Parks & Rec. - tables/chairs, and the See Spot Run project.
Craft persons interested in renting a booth can send a self-addressed, stamped, business-sized envelope to: Community Club, P.O. Box 60132, Boulder City, NV 89005 to obtain an application for 2006. The applications are sent out in June, and just like shopping for hand crafted gifts, it is first come, first served.