Boulder City Magazine® November 2005 Issue
Congressional Update
by Jon C. Porter
Tourism Provision Included in HS Appropriations
A provision that could result in increased homeland security funding for Nevada has been included in the FY 2006 Homeland Security Appropriations Conference Report. The provision, which Third District Congressman Jon Porter has been advocating for publicly and in discussions with conferees, states that the Secretary of Homeland Security should take tourism into consideration when dispensing certain discretionary grants.
“With everything it has to offer, Las Vegas is an obvious destination for tourists, as proven by the over 40 million visitors the city welcomes per year,” said Porter. “The state of Nevada dedicates significant resources toward homeland security in order to keep our visitors and residents safe. Through the inclusion of this provision, the Secretary of Homeland Security can help make us even safer by providing local and state law enforcement officials with more federal funding.”
“Major tourist destinations like Las Vegas are world-renowned for their excitement and top-name entertainers,” said Appropriations Committee Chairman Jerry Lewis. “I commend Congressman Porter for convincing Congress to focus on the protection of our tourist attractions.”
Under the specific language in the Conference Report, the new provision states that when dispensing High-Threat, High-Density Urban Area discretionary grants, “the Secretary should consider, as it relates to the grant allocation methodology, tourism destinations that attract tens of millions of visitors annually as potentially high risk targets.”
The Homeland Security Appropriations Conference Report passed the house by a vote of 347-70, and now awaits action in the Senate before going to the President for his signature.
Contact U.S. Congressman Jon Porter at www.house.gov/porter/
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