Boulder City Magazine® November 2005 Issue
Your Health
by Pati Kearns
Yoga Spirit at Dance, Etc.
Sleeping Well
If you have trouble falling asleep at night, watch your caffeine intake during the day. An hour or two before going to bed, dim the lights, turn off the TV, play some soothing music or just enjoy the quiet and let your brain have a chance to unwind. As it gets darker, the pineal gland in the brain secretes melatonin to help us fall asleep. (That’s why we get sleepy on a cloudy day.) Let your bedroom be totally dark or use an eye mask. For some people, even the glow of the alarm clock is too much light to sleep well.
If you can fall asleep but wake up during the night and cannot go back to sleep, this may be an indication that your adrenal glands are exhausted. Your adrenal glands secrete adrenaline and cortisol, two major stress hormones, all during the day. They are taxed by stress and worry, as well as caffeine, and sugar. If they stay revved up all day you might wake up during the night with the feeling that your brain won’t shut off. Take care of yourself nutritionally and mentally so that your adrenal glands can do their job and you can stay asleep. If you wake during the night because your bedmate snores, try earplugs (for you) or snore strips for your mate. Therapeutic grade essential oil Thyme applied to the soles of the snorer’s feet at bedtime to eliminate snoring has saved more than one relationship. Make sure the Thyme is therapeutic grade (Young Living Essential Oils is a great resource) and do not use on anyone with high blood pressure.
It is important that we get enough sleep. This is the time when the body rests and repairs on a cellular level. Sometimes we think that as we get older we don’t need as much sleep, but this is not true. It may be that we’ve developed enough bad habits that the body forgets how to sleep well. Take good care of yourself and get some rest.
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Contact Pati at patikearns@yahoo.com
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