___I receive several offers of pre-approved credit every week. (5 points)
___Add 5 points if you do not shred them before putting them in the trash.
___I carry my Social Security card in my wallet. (10 points)
___My state driver’s license has my SSN printed on it, and I have not contacted the Department of Motor Vehicles to request a different number. (10 points)
___I do not have a PO Box or a locked, secured mailbox. (5 points)
___I use an unlocked, open box at work or at my home to drop off my outgoing mail. (10 points)
___I carry my military ID in my wallet at all times. (10 points)
___I do not shred or tear banking and credit information when I throw it in the trash. (10 points)
___I provide my Social Security number (SSN) whenever asked, without asking questions as to how that information will be safeguarded. (10 points)
___Add 5 points if you provide it orally without checking to see who might be listening.
___I am required to use my SSN at work as an employee ID or at college as a student ID number. (5 points)
___My SSN is printed on my employee badge that I wear at work or in public. Or it is posted on my time card in full view of others, or is on other documents frequently seen by many others in my workplace. (10 points)
___I have my SSN and/or driver’s license number printed on my personal checks. (10 points)
___I am listed in a “Who’s Who” guide. (5 points)
___I carry my insurance card in my wallet and either my SSN or that of my spouse is the ID number. (10 points)
___I have not ordered a copy of my credit reports for at least 2 years. (20 points)
___I do not believe that people would root around in my trash looking for credit or financial information or looking for documents containing my SSN. (10 points)
Understanding Your Score:
100 + points - Recent surveys* indicate that 7-10 million people were victims of ID theft last year. You are at high risk. We recommend you purchase a paper shredder, become more security-aware in document handling, and start to question why people need your personal data.
50-100 points - Your odds of being victimized are about average. Higher if you have good credit.
0-50 points - Congratulations. You have a high “IQ.” Keep up the good work and don’t let your guard down now.
*Source: Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, www.privacyrights.org.
John can be reached via his e-mail address at Jchasebcnv@earthlink.net