Web Sites:
A web site is a collection of information. It can be about you, your family or your company. A web site can contain one web page or many web pages.
Web Site Hosting:
A web site is available on the internet through web site hosting. A hosting company stores web sites and makes them available at all times to anyone browsing the internet.
Search Engines:
A search engine (Yahoo or Google) is a program that sifts through all the web sites on the internet and locates the web sites relating to the subject you are looking for.
So if you would like to get your information on the internet, here’s the steps to take:
•Purchase a domain name, so you can give out your address. Choose an extension that best describes your web site (such as .org for organization).
•Create a web site containing your information. You can do this yourself or hire an expert to do it for you.
•Get your web site hosted through a hosting company that will keep your web site “open” on the internet. Hosting costs a small amount each month, such as $20, and usually includes e-mail addresses.
•Submit your web site to search engines so that anyone looking for information like yours can find you. Submission costs a small amount each month, such as $30.
Appleby Arts offers all of these services. We purchase domain names, create web sites, host web sites and submit web sites to search engines, all for reasonable rates.
Visit my web site at www.applebyarts.com to see our current rates, or for more information, contact Brad at (702) 294-1392.