Boulder City Magazine® August 2007 Issue
Library Corner by Duncan R. McCoy, Director
Boulder City Library
The Library really has two main functions. We provide recreational materials books, audio/visual items, magazines and such. We also collect informational materials and provide informational access. In the monthly column, I always try to talk about how the Library can make your life a bit better.
I recently took a road trip up to Park City, Utah. Since I was traveling alone, I decided this would be the ideal time to try one of the CD audiobooks we’ve been loaning to people for the past 10 years or so. I selected, as my traveling companion, the CD version of Jeff Shaara’s novel about the First World War, “To the Last Man.” This item, it turns out, contains 24 CD disks and is an unabridged reading of the entire novel.
My hotel in Park City was 463 miles from my home. I listened to the book from Logandale to Park City and from Park City to Logandale on the way back. Each disk plays for about 70 minutes and, driving freeway speed (70-75 mph), I can average 65 mph including gas stops. Driving the North Shore Road through Overton and Logandale, it takes about an hour and a half to reach I-15 above Logandale. I left at 5:00 am, hit I-15 at 7:00 am and arrived in Park City at 1:30 pm, and so was playing the CDs for about five and a half hours each way, or a total of 11 hours altogether. I has just finished disk 12 by the time I reached Logandale on the return trip.
I really enjoyed listening to the book but am a bit frustrated because I don’t often listen to audiobooks at home and so did not finish it. The perfect audiobook would have been one which I could finish on the trip and, as it turns out, “To the Last Man” was right for a trip to Denver and back.
In selecting audiobooks for your road trip, you might select according to either of the following methods: (1) total miles of the trip, divided by 60 miles per disk; or (2) total hours of driving, divided by 9.2. Either way, I should have selected an audiobook with 12 disks or a combination of audiobooks whose disks added up to 12.
In order to have the maximum fun on your road trip, I recommend you do the math first, select the audiobook(s) with the right number of disks, and finish the last one just as you roll up your driveway at the end of the trip.
You can find out more by visiting our web site at www.bclibrary.org |
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