Toward the end of the party, I had a chance to talk with Gino. Gino said, “Aunt Pati, are you tired?” I answered, “Yes Gino, I am tired.” He said, “Oh, because you usually exude a lot more positive energy.” I responded, “You know what Gino? You always exude positive energy.” Gino said, “Well thank you Aunt Pati, thank you very much.” I said, “You’re a really happy kid.” Gino said, “I am happy. Sometimes my friends say I’m too happy.”
Gino is a very deep thinker, along with being a very sweet and compassionate young man. I thought this would be a good opportunity to ask him a few questions. So I said, “Gino, what do you suppose it is that is underneath the happiness? What do you think it is that determines whether somebody is happy or not?”
Gino looked away for a moment, paused in thought and then said, “Choices and perception.” He smiled when he saw my raised eyebrows. I said, “Would you like to elaborate on that?” Gino said, “ Well, if you have an optimistic attitude and you perceive situations and the world in a positive way, you’ll make positive choices, and you’ll be happy.” I said, “You know, you’re right. Most adults don’t figure that one out in their whole lifetime.” I asked, “Do you help your friends to be happy if they’re crabby or bummed out?” Gino held up one pointed finger and said. “It’s a little tricky with your friends.” (He’s right on that one, too.)
At the party there was a large congratulations board where guests were invited to write a note to the graduate. Gino wrote, “Joshua, its amazing, you did it!! You’re an inspiring person full of brilliance. I love you and I’m honored to have you as a brother.”
He didn’t say you’re brilliant, he said you’re full of brilliance. Choices and perception, how beautiful.
Pati Kearns teaches Yoga at Dance Etc. Call 279-9523 for class information.
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