Hail and well met! I wish to share with thee the most fortuitous of tidings. The Bard is Coming! The Bard is Coming! And we plan to celebrate the Best "Out Dam Spot" Festival.
The Boulder City Library and the Shakespeare Institute of Nevada are partnering this fall to bring the works of William Shakespeare to Boulder City.
Every Saturday, beginning September 6th, we will offer two workshops for people aged ten and older. In the morning, we will offer a two-hour workshop for younger performers. In the afternoon, the workshop will be for older performers. The ages in each will depend on the ages of the people who sign up. The two-hour workshops will be taught by Dan Decker, the Artistic Director of the Shakespeare Institute of Nevada. Each workshop is designed to teach participants the art of presenting Shakespeare. Performers will learn scenes and present those scenes at two different showings on Saturday, November 8. Rehearsals and performances will take place at the Boulder City Library.
This is where YOU come in! We are looking for performers, stage-crew and costumers. You may sign up for this experience at the Boulder City Library Reference Desk. Don't be timid! You can do this! Dan will be able to explain the language and the story to you so that it makes sense! And…well…there is no business like show business.
We have received a grant to aid in paying for this program experience, and the Library will be using funds from our programming budget, but the more money we raise, the more we will be able to do. We plan to be able to offer speakers about the Bard and his plays. We might be able to offer refreshments. We hope to have displays in the Library prior to the event to broaden the experience.
So, we will be reaching out to the public to request financial support and in-kind contributions to make this program a success. So, if you or an organization with which you are involved would like to help, please feel free to give me a call!
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." Come play with us!