The City of Boulder City along with the County and the other cities in Southern Nevada will celebrate Building and Safety Month during the month of May. Building and Safety Month is a public awareness event celebrated each year to assist the public with understanding the benefits of building codes.
The event is promoted by the International Code Council, the organization which creates and develops building codes. For the past 34 years, the building code professionals have been supporting and promoting events such as this. The Boulder City Building and Safety Department, along with the other Building and Safety Departments in Southern Nevada, will offer various special events for the benefit of its citizens during this event.
The first week will be dedicated to "Keeping Fire in its Place," the second week will deal with "Weathering the Storm," the third with "Surrounding Your House with Safety," and the fourth week will involve "Building a Brighter, More Efficient Tomorrow." The City of Boulder City Building and Safety Department will have special handouts and literature for each week to compliment these subjects at City Hall and on our website.
In addition to the events already described, there will be a very special amnesty program offered this year for any person who may have failed to obtain a building permit for their home improvements. This was offered last year by all of the Southern Nevada building departments with great success.
The amnesty program is limited to the home in which you live. Rental homes and commercial properties do not qualify. If you have a patio cover, room addition, water heater or other similar project which was done at any time in the past without a building permit, please contact the Building and Safety Department at your earliest opportunity during the month of May. Normally, permits issued for work done without a permit are assessed a double permit fee.
The Building and Safety Department is located on the second floor of City Hall at 401 California Avenue. The phone number is (702) 923-9282. |