Nevada's economy has shown encouraging signs of progress. March's employment numbers show that new businesses are gradually starting up and jobs are being created. But we need to do more to ensure that everyone in Nevada and across the country has a fair shot at the American Dream. If we are to trigger accelerated and long-term economic progress and take strides towards developing a modern economy in our state, then we must invest in infrastructure that enables commercial growth. Southern Nevada is an ideal place to focus our investments in clean energy, new roads and bridges, and innovative technology.
Boulder City businesses require a strong infrastructure to operate and grow. I have worked for years with local stakeholders to make Interstate-11 a reality, which will provide that infrastructure by bridging the gap between Las Vegas and Phoenix, create jobs, and hasten Nevada's economic development. Soon, travelers looking to experience Southern Nevada's attractions will be able to access it with greater ease and Boulder City in particular stands to benefit significantly. It is vital that we complement Boulder City's economy with a transportation infrastructure that meets the needs of our residents and businesses.
I am also committed to growing Nevada's clean energy economy as effectively as possible and to drive immediate investments in the coming years. For example, the Copper Mountain Solar Facility expansion in Boulder City is creating hundreds of jobs during construction and electricity for tens of thousands of homes without emitting any hazardous emissions, wastes, or carbon pollution. We must continue fostering private-public partnerships, improving government and private sector coordination, and supporting job-creating tax credits to ensure Nevada becomes the central hub of a clean energy economy – the global growth industry of the 21st century.
Ensuring Nevada sees a full economic recovery is an obligation that I take very seriously. Boulder City has a bright future ahead and I am committed to making sure Nevada is ready to harness its immense infrastructure, clean energy, and commercial potential.
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