What is genealogy? It is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history. The goal is to understand when and where people lived, as well as their lifestyles, biographies, and motivations. Genealogy research can be described by some as either a curiosity, a hobby, or an obsession.
Genealogy research is also a mystery that can be solved slowly through a process of identifying similar pieces, much like a puzzle. It can be very satisfying to understand one’s family in a larger historical picture, to know you’ve pieced together an accurate story of your ancestors.
Through a grant from the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records, the newest database the Library has purchased covers the topic of genealogy and is called the Ancestry Library Edition. The Ancestry Library Edition draws information from its many sources, including census, military records, court and legal documents, directories, photos, maps, and more! If you’ve been curious about your family history, I want to encourage you to check out this database. If you prefer to start with a little guidance, the Library will be offering beginning navigation classes this spring in order for you to get started on your research. Unfortunately, this database can only be accessed from within the Library, whether on one of the free Library computers or your own device or laptop with the Library’s free Wi-Fi. Have fun figuring out your family mystery!
It’s not too early to get excited about another year of the Winter Reading Program! Adults and Teens 16+ are eligible to participate in this fun reading challenge running January 5th through February 23rd. Read or listen to your favorite stories and attend Library events for a chance to win weekly prizes and be entered into the grand prize drawing. Some great events include a local author fair, table top game nights, Zen coloring, movies, and an escape from the Library party! Stay tuned for more details on our social media, calendars, and website (BCLibrary.org).