Recently, I had a resident ask if anything is happening during the summer, and it brought to mind some fun garden events and projects in the works.
The Community Gardens now have monthly Master Gardener Projects happening the last Saturday of the month. They have walks and talks around the gardens, lots of educational materials and are open to any gardening questions you may have. Last month, natural pest control and weathering the heat were some of the topics offered. I’m looking forward to this next outing, as I’ve ‘dug’ up some good questions for our local experts.
We also have the Dandelion Little Library at the Community Gardens, where you can find all sorts of gardening books, magazines, seeds and other garden collectibles. This program is free, fun and personalized for the neighborhoods and communities they’re in. Our library was brought to us by Susan Reams, and it sits right by the picnic tables where you can catch some shade and catch up on garden reading.
With school starting early this year, the Wilbur Weed Planting Project is coming sooner as well. At Reflections Center Park, the pollinator gardens will be replanted during the last weekend of the month. This will be an ongoing project throughout the year, and it’s a great opportunity for families and local groups to work on the pollinator gardens.
The Garden Club is taking a hiatus for the summer months, but will be back September 6th at 6:15pm for social time and the meeting starts 6:45pm at the Library. The very best of the best give presentations for the garden club, you don’t want to miss out.
With gardening, you have to think months ahead. That means it’s already time to start your Thanksgiving and Christmas herb gardens. Right now you should be able to harvest seeds off of your herbs that have bolted from the heat. By starting your seeds inside now, you’ll have beautiful herb gardens for the holidays. They’ll be here before we know it.
Stay cool, stay hydrated, and
Happy Gardening!