About Us
In 1997, a 16-page Boulder City Home Guide® was published by Everett C. Chase as a medium to present local real estate clients’ homes in text and pictorial form. In July of 1998, to improve quality and enhance distribution, an eight page advertising section was added. In 2004, Everett Chase teamed with Brad Appleby, and in 2005 Bradley D. Appleby and DeAnne Trompeter Appleby presented Boulder City Magazine®. In 2011, Tom and Patty Sullivan purchased Boulder City Magazine® and continue the current format with minimal changes. In 2018 Matt and Michelle Gemmill purchased the Boulder City Magazine® and intend to continue to make imporvements to this amazing magazine.
The current format features Boulder City Magazine®, a glossy cover, full color, free monthly publication. Boulder City Magazine® offers articles by local authors about Boulder City, its people, the business community, and lifestyles and events, while presenting Boulder City area homes in the Boulder City Home Guide® section.

Boulder City Magazine® is distributed throughout various business locations throughout the Boulder City area, making them available for pick up. These pickup sites provide access to Boulder City Magazine® and its advertisers for people living out of town and working in Boulder City, and for visitors enjoying area attractions.
This distribution of Boulder City Magazine® allows business people the availability of the Boulder City market. If you want to reach Boulder City households and businesses, its people, visitors, and tourists, this method of distribution is the most comprehensive.
Boulder City Magazine®, while continuing real estate coverage through its Boulder City Home Guide® companion, provides readers with the maturity and popularity gained over the past years. This companionship has been an effective display advertising publication for businesses as well as REALTORS®. Boulder City Magazine® is a valuable asset for your advertising dollar.
*Call now to become one of the shrewd business people taking advantage of the benefits provided by Boulder City Magazine®.
*Boulder City Magazine® and Boulder City Home Guide® reserve the right to select advertising deemed appropriate for the publication. Real estate broker and agent advertising are limited to those living in Boulder City or working from offices located in Boulder City.