The major elements of the project will begin in January 2012, with the replacement of the old water main and sewer main. These are old main lines, some of which are located under building structures. This $1.2 million project will move all public utilities to within the street section and provide new main lines which will not need maintenance for years to come. This is important, as many of the intersections on Nevada Way will receive a decorative concrete surface which will be difficult to match should future utility repairs be necessary.
The entire reach of Nevada Way from Buchanan Blvd. to Wyoming St. will receive new curb and gutter, sidewalk, and pavement. This nearly $2.6 million of work is made possible through the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) and historic voter approval of tax initiatives to help fund the RTC.
The final piece of this project is the aesthetic improvements. The landscaping and the arch feature will all be funded through the City’s Redevelopment Authority (RDA) which pledged their support to the level of $1.4 million in April 2011. This project will provide a more attractive and safer roadway all at no cost to the City’s General Fund. Because of Boulder City’s sound fiscal policies and practices, the City is able to fund this project from a variety of sources without adding to debt service, and projects such as these help sustain our business community during these tough economic times.
This is a challenging project and there will be problems encountered along the way. Communication with the local property owners is the key to success. The City Manager and her staff are committed to go above and beyond to communicate with local stakeholders as this complex and exciting construction project is underway.
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