The very first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a hero is hope. A hero brings a sense of hope to his or her followers. Probably the best of all, one of my favorite examples is the US Military. After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, a terrible time in our country, the overall morale was quite low. The one thing we could do was ban together, and at the start of the war, the country looked to the military to bring these terrorists justice. We look at our soldiers as heroes, admiring them for doing the tough job that they do for all of us, and in the name of principle.
I believe the hero also helps us to live differently. We can almost live vicariously through the heroes themselves. We borrow that hope that they give us, even trying to model their own characteristics. We can visualize and create goals, in the mold of our heroes.
Heroes are more varied in roles than we usually think, right in our own communities. These everyday heroes that we forget to acknowledge are the ones that really matter. Teachers, for example, are often forgotten and not recognized as the true champions they are.
With my father being in the Emergency Services for years, I also value and respect the work of our police, fire, and paramedic forces. How many times do we just go through our day, mindlessly forgetting what work these people do every day? Their courage and work helps to change our society for the better; yet we almost seem to appreciate the comic book hero more.
The hero truly is an integral part of our culture. The fighting chance, which they present, is exactly what gives people optimism for a brighter chance and future. A hero does more than entertain us in a story, that hero gives us motivation to accomplish and a sense of hopefulness.