Crime Stoppers of Nevada has a rich history of success. Born in 1979 from Secret Witness, they have received more than 190,000 anonymous tips which have culminated in ridding the streets of 10,000 criminals. Clearly, Nevada is safer because of their efforts.
Crime Stoppers of Nevada, a 501(c)3 organization, is funded by citizen donations and corporate sponsorships. They offer cash rewards to eligible tipsters who provide information that leads directly to the arrest and/or indictment of felony subjects. Crime Stoppers of Nevada currently accepts anonymous tips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year; via phone, web and text. Spanish-speaking operators are always available. You too can assist them in their mission to make Nevada a safer place to live, work and visit. To submit a tip or get more information on Crime Stoppers of Nevada, please visit their website at
While speaking with citizen groups we always encourage active involvement and reporting of suspicious activities; after all, who knows your neighborhood better than you? Citizen’s partnering with the police department is critical. Sir Robert Peel, considered by many to be the father of modern law enforcement, said “The public are the police and the police are the public.”
Boulder City is fortunate to have many community-based programs staffed with volunteers looking out for its collective welfare. The police department often receives information from concerned neighbors, homeowner associations, local non-profits, and schools each demonstrating concern for their own clientele. As a community, we are able to further enhance our ability to work efficiently and effectively at combating crime and disorder. Together, through partnerships based upon trust and a shared vision, we can make Boulder City the safest place to live, work and visit.
John Chase can be reached via his e-mail address at