This technology will let us get bigger touch screens and fold them into smaller storage spaces. I say “new” technology but when I searched the internet, I found out the Samsung showed a foldable OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) screen back in 2008. The concept was only a 2.5 inch display, but they did show it folding. You can search to see it in action. This technology might be the best option for e-books; one that you can open and close. Wonder if you can dog-ear the pages?
Flexible Screens. There is also a flexible screen in the works that can bend around an arc. You can’t fold it; only bend it. I’m not sure how they plan to use this technology yet, but you might ultimately see ads on light poles and pillars around town.
Transparent Screens. Samsung has now achieved a 30 percent transparency on its “transparent” screens. Yes, a screen you can see through. We have seen this before in sci-fi movies, but this technology could ultimately be used in storefront advertising so you could see through the ad and see what is inside the store. This technology could also be used for HUDs (Heads Up Displays) for windshields and helmets. Designers could overlay your GPS right into the windshield of your car, and have all of your information right in the window like speed, fuel, etc. If they add this technology to smart phones, this could be the end of the “Bent Neck People”. You could raise your head and see through your smart phone or pad into the real world, and quit running into people, walls and other things.
We will have to see what is in store for us in the future with respect to this “new” technology. Ideas keep emerging every day, and the next new technology usually comes out just a day or two after you sign a 2 year contract.
To learn more about this subject and other Tech Tip subjects, contact Brad at or call (702) 294-1392.