This project begins at Buchanan Boulevard and ends at Wyoming Street. This project will be a premier example of the complete street concept. Dedicated bike lanes will be painted to clearly define safe areas for cyclist. The sidewalks will be widened and moved away from the curb. A landscape strip between the sidewalk and the roadway will help pedestrians feel safer as they walk our downtown area. Bus turn-outs will be constructed to reduce traffic congestion and create a safer place for the riders. Of course, careful attention to the design will insure the street still meets the needs of vehicular traffic.
Most of the funding will be derived from the Regional Transportation Committee (RTC). The City Council has also authorized up to $1.4 million of Redevelopment Agency funding (RDA) for the project enhancements. The majority of the RDA funds will go towards landscape improvements and the archway entry feature near Buchanan. The aesthetic improvements associated with this project are a key element to bolstering interest in the downtown and its economic vitality.
The City’s Public Works Department is seeking citizen input regarding the project. You may email them by visiting the web page: and clicking the words “contact form” on the left side of the page or by calling 293-9200.
Some have asked why the Nevada Way project starts at Buchanan and not at Veterans Memorial Drive. The primary reason is the reach of roadway between traffic signals is owned by Nevada Department of Transportation, and the City has less control over the improvements in that area.
This is an exciting project and we look to the community for suggestions.
For more information or to perform at the Boulder City’s Got Talent event, contact Friends of the Arts President; Christy Springgate-Hill at 812-6449.
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