Yet as much as I respect great athletes, the real heroes in our country are the men and women who wear, or have worn, not athletic uniforms, but the uniforms of one of the branches of the United States military.
I’m proud of the more than 1,200 brave men and women from Boulder City and around our state who make sacrifices every day as they fight to protect our freedoms abroad. We hope that each and every one of them will soon be joining the more than 230,000 veterans who also call Nevada home. When our troops return home, it is our duty to repay their service by ensuring they can find a job, have access to medical care and can transition smoothly back to the Boulder City community.
As a part of those efforts, the Senate, just before Veterans Day, passed a bipartisan jobs bill that will spur the hiring of 900,000 veterans in Nevada and around the country. The House of Representatives also overwhelming passed this legislation and sent it to the President’s desk for his signature. This showing of bipartisanship was a far-too-rare occurrence, but I’m pleased that we came together to support the people who deserve our backing the most.
Specifically, the VOW To Hire Heroes Act provides tax credits to Boulder City businesses that hire an unemployed or disabled veteran; they will also benefit from relevant training to assist them in finding work. Opportunities for older veterans to further their education at community colleges or technical schools will expand, and disabled veterans will be provided with an extra year of Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits.
I’m pleased with the ways in which we’ve improved the lives of veterans and active duty service men and women. Yet we can always do more, and I will continue to be staunch advocate for these true heroes.
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