is a website that has national and local classified ads and forums. I just posted 2 classified ads to sell a fuel tank and a microwave and they sold within one week! Craigslist gets more than 20 billion page views per month, and adds about 50 million new classified ads each month. Now you can see why things sell so quickly there. Looking for a job? More than 1 million new job listings get posted on craigslist each month. There are over 50 million US users right now. OK, I know you are ready to start selling and buying stuff, so I will tell you how to get started.
First, go to and click on your city. I clicked on Las Vegas. You can also pick a state if you want, but I know you probably want to buy and sell locally. Now you will see all kinds of categories like community, personals, discussion forms, housing, for sale, services and jobs. You will want to start off by clicking on “my account” just under the word craigslist. At the bottom you will see “Sign up for an account”. Click there. Type in your e-mail address and the verification word including the space between and press “create account”. You will get a thank you notice for signing up. Check your e-mail for a message from craigslist. Inside the e-mail there will be a link you need to click on. This link will take you to a page to enter your password twice. Then press “Submit Password and Log In”. Now a little light reading of the terms of use, and you will need to click the button “I ACCEPT”. You did it! To post a new ad look at the top right of the page and click “go”. Pick your category, for instance “for sale,” then click a sub category like “cars & trucks”. Now enter your title price, location (Boulder City), and description. Click on “add/edit images” to add photos, and then click on “browse” to find your photos and click “continue”. If you post pictures, it will help sell your products. Now review your ad and click “continue” to post. One more captcha and “continue” again.
You can access your account via the main page on by clicking “My Account”. Be sure to read the "avoid scams" and "fraud" links for some important information. Have fun and good luck selling and buying!
For more information on this and other tech issues, contact Brad at (702) 294-1392 or