Spotlight on Business
Boulder City Rotary's 6th Annual Best Dam BBQ
by George Rosenbaum, President Elect
The Rotary Club of Boulder City proudly presents the Sixth Annual Best Dam Barbecue, recognized as Nevada’s official championship competition. This year’s prize money has increased to $10,000. The event features delicious food and drink and family friendly entertainment. There will be an old fashioned street dance on both Friday and Saturday nights. Mark your calendars for May 28-29, 2010.
The official kick off is Friday evening at 5 p.m. beginning with the “Anything Butt” and “Desserts” competitions. There is live entertainment and cooking all night long. Stroll down Colorado Street, visit with competing teams, and learn about their cooking methods. Purchase all your favorite BBQ food samples or other food items by the various vendors.
Saturday’s events start at 7 a.m. with a 5K Run and 1 mile Fun Walk sponsored by the Boulder City Community Education Advisory Board. Also, our annual pancake breakfast is from 7 to 9 a.m. During the cooking competition, families can picnic in the park and partake in the family fun zone area. We will also have a special Kids BBQ cook-off.
The Best Dam Barbecue is the major fundraising project for the Rotary Club of Boulder City. Proceeds help fund the “Every 15 Minutes” program for Boulder City High School. The program is a very poignant demonstration of the tragic realities of an alcohol related car accident, and local students and their families participate as actor-victims of an accident. Students witness the Jaws of Life, a Flight for Life helicopter transporting victims, a visit to the morgue, and a very emotional reading of obituaries. (Please Note: this program is not a part of the Best Dam Barbecue and takes place at a separate time.) In addition, our club is funding a new humanitarian project called the Rotaplast program. This program sends surgeons to Mexico to perform cleft lip and palate repairs on children in rural areas.
The Rotary Club of Boulder City supports numerous other projects at the local and international level. Mini-grant programs for local schools, literacy and clean water projects in developing nations, and the fight to eradicate polio worldwide are some of these projects.
Your participation in the Best Dam Barbecue assists Rotary in its mission. Free admission for most events Opportunities are available for competitors, vendors, judges and sponsors. Visit the website, or contact the event chair Chris Carroll at (702) 524-3314.