You have your new digital camera, your batteries are charged and the chip is installed. Now take a few minutes to set up your camera for shooting. The first thing to do is make sure your camera is set up to take the largest jpeg picture that the camera can take. Do this in the set up menu for the camera. Next go out and take pictures! Try the different modes to see how they work.
Here is a list of camera modes included on most cameras:
Auto - The camera will completely control flash and exposure.
Program Automatic - Just point and shoot. Unlike full auto mode, you can usually control flash and a few other camera settings.
Common Shooting Modes: While Program is the most important for everyday use, most cameras have more:
Movie/Video - In movie mode, digital cameras can capture live streaming video.
Macro/Close Up - This mode is used for taking close-up pictures.
Party/Night - Capture darker scenes.
Portrait - Attempt to blur out the background and keep the person in focus.
Landscape Capture detail in the foreground and background.
Sports - Freeze motion; use this mode for sports or moving objects.
Aperture Priority - Set the aperture (f-stop) and the camera will attempt to deliver a good exposure. Some cameras use an “A” icon instead of “Av”.
Shutter Priority - Set the shutter, and the camera will attempt to deliver a good exposure. Some cameras use an “S” icon instead of “Tv”.
Manual In full manual mode, you must set both the shutter and the aperture modes. This mode is best for taking panoramic pictures.
One easy tip: When taking a photo with light or sun in the background, turn on the flash. This will fill in the dark areas caused by the back lighting.
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