Boulder City Magazine® November 2007 Issue
Reid Report
by Senator Harry Reid
Senate Majority Leader
Working To Preserve Nevada's Environment
Over the past several years, drought, wildfires, and invasive species have wreaked havoc on the Nevada desert. These problems highlight the need for all of us to pay attention to what is going on in our environment. Many may ask, what is causing these problems? Well, my friends, all of the evidence points to one culprit: global warming.
This month, I want to talk to you about some of the things that I’m doing to ensure the proper stewardship of Nevada’s fragile desert environment.
As our climate changes, summers will become hotter, water will become scarcer, and our fragile desert environment will suffer the consequences. Global warming is here, but there is no need for panic. There are things that we can do to combat some of its effects and protect Nevada’s fragile desert environment, and I am working hard in Washington to make sure that these things are done.
In October I testified at a hearing in Las Vegas held by the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests to ensure that Nevada’s unique challenges are addressed. In August, I introduced bipartisan legislation that sets up the 100th Meridian Invasive Species Loan Fund, a measure that will provide resources for a wide range of groups in the West to combat invasive species. Meanwhile, Senator John Ensign and I are working hard on the next public lands bill.
While it is critically important that we work to preserve our fragile environment, those efforts must be balanced with the needs of the people in Nevada. That is why in September, I led the Senate in the passage of the Water Resources Development Act. This bill authorizes more than $200 million for Nevada specific projects that improve flood control and water supply. Included in this legislation is money to responsibly develop water resources for rural towns in Nevada like Battle Mountain.
While the problems associated with global warming cannot all be prevented, through proper environmental protection and stewardship, global warming’s effects can be mitigated. Through proper stewardship, we can ensure that the pristine Nevada desert will stay that way for generations to come.
Contact Harry Reid at http://reid.senate.gov/
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