Boulder City Magazine® November 2007 Issue
BCPD Informer
by John Chase, Deputy Chief
Boulder City Police Department
BC Policing Demonstrated by Officer Alan Nutzman
All too often I write about things and not necessarily individuals involved in various aspects of policing. The term “Boulder City Policing”, which manifested itself from the onset of our community policing efforts in the mid-to-late 1980s, was intended to be reflective of our style of policing. |
I often hear residents reminisce about how they long for those good old days of knowing each officer. While many of us reflect and perhaps wish for those days to return, we also recognize that life as it is, keeps us moving forward. Our daily interactions, as police officers, with those that we serve should maintain some consistency.
My daughter Meghan waves at every police officer she sees. She then tells me whether or not the officers were friendly and waved back. While she does not know the officers by name, she does, even at a young age, recognize whether the officers are attentive and responsive to people around them.
While at work the other day I received an update from my wife about Meghan’s observations. She was somewhat taken aback when she saw a police officer, later identified as Officer Alan Nutzman, playing football with the kids near Martha P. King. She was so surprised that she actually contemplated, for a short time, skipping her playtime with her friends.
While her friends ultimately won that battle, she was left with a lasting impression that officers are indeed people too. I want to personally thank Officer Alan Nutzman for taking time out of his duties as one of our new traffic section officers to spend time with our kids it truly does have an impact. Far beyond that, it sets the example for other officers to follow as we embark upon our efforts at making the Boulder City Police Department truly reflective of our community. Through his efforts, as well as the efforts of each and every employee of the police department, we will see Boulder City Policing further unveil itself to the community.
To the officers that read this column please, never underestimate the impact you have each and every time you make contact with a member of the community.
Until next month, stay safe.
John Chase can be reached via his e-mail address at Jchasebcnv@earthlink.net |
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