Boulder City Magazine® May 2007 Issue
Reid Report
by Senator Harry Reid
Senate Majority Leader
Thank You To Mayor Ferraro
After 31 years of dedicated public service, Boulder City Mayor Robert “Bob” Ferraro will retire later this spring. Mayor Ferraro has dedicated his life to Boulder City and for that we thank him.
He is a widely known and highly admired man with a long history of public service. In 1999, he became the first mayor directly elected by the people of Boulder City. Before he became mayor, he served on the Boulder City Council for 17 years.
The way Bob interacted with his community and carried out his responsibilities as an elected official speak volumes about his character. During each campaign, he proudly knocked on every door in towna feat he accomplished seven times. He was far beyond a name on a ballot; he was a dynamic, personable leader who worked face-to-face with citizens so that he could be an accurate voice for them.
During his career, Bob presided over Boulder City in an era of unprecedented growth, with the population nearly doubling during the three decades he was a community leader. But despite the great changes that have unfolded in Nevada, Boulder City remains one of those unique places in America that residents can still recognize as home. Fiercely defending limited growth policies, Bob Ferraro upheld the spirit of the city and the desire of the people to maintain Boulder City’s distinctive identity.
As mayor, he expanded recreation areas and oversaw the development of parks, further enhancing the small town feel of the community. From youth sports leagues to adult recreational programs, Boulder City’s park system brought people together and gave families and neighbors a place to grow together.
Throughout his service to Boulder City, Bob truly remained a good neighbor while serving numerous community organizations as well. He served as President of the Boulder City Rotary Club and was named Rotarian of the Year in 1980. He also served as President of the Nevada League of Cities in 1985 and was named Nevada Public Official of the Year in 1986.
For three decades, Bob has played an integral role within the Boulder City community as civil leader, city councilman, and mayor. His leadership, sincerity and selfless service to his community will be greatly missed, but his legacy will live on. We can safely say Southern Nevada is truly a better place because of Bob.
Bob, thanks for everything you have done and all the best for a great retirement.
Contact Harry Reid at http://reid.senate.gov/
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