Boulder City Magazine® May 2007 Issue
Library Corner by Duncan R. McCoy, Director
Boulder City Library
Wireless Internet Access
A couple of months ago, I did an article about how people from all over the world stop by the Boulder City Library to use computers. As it happens, a few of those visitors would rather use their own computers on the Library’s network and (occasionally) we have received requests from local folks about wireless internet access.
Every once in a while we try something new at the Library. Our latest foray into the land of public adventure is (you guessed it!) wireless internet access. The wireless box was officially “up” on April 10 and several folks happily enjoyed the new service last week.
The Library’s wireless access is intended to be used within the Library building. We are not interested in folks accessing the Library’s network from the street or the parking lot, so the system is password-protected. To use it, you’ll need to stop by the Library’s service desk, sign a little agreement form and get the password (which will be changed periodically). Once you have the password, all you’ll need to do is turn on your laptop, activate the wireless card and type in the password.
Although I don’t know precisely how it’s done, I do understand that it’s possible for the bad guys to intercept wireless signals. The Library’s wireless setup is not currently encrypted, so wireless users ought to be careful about doing banking, purchasing, or other transactions which involve credit card numbers, social security numbers, or other vital personal information.
The Library’s rules for wireless use are pretty simple: no accessing of pornographic websites, and no FTP’s or file-sharing (the first because … well, I think everybody knows why not, the latter two because of network bandwidth concerns).
I expect that wireless internet access will be really helpful to groups using the Library’s meeting rooms who need internet access for their meetings and presentations. Wireless will also be handy for folks who want to work on their own computer with their own files and don’t want to juggle files around from computer to computer with disks and zip drives.
Drop by the Library and give wireless a try!
You can find out more about our wireless internet by visiting our web site at www.bclibrary.org |
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