Boulder City Magazine® May 2007 Issue
Lawyer's Edge
by Bruce L. Woodbury, Esq.
Jolley, Urga, Wirth, Woodbury & Standish
Controlling The Eldorado Valley
There has been much discussion recently regarding the future of the Eldorado Valley, which surrounds Boulder City to the west and south. Boulder City owns most of the land in the Valley. Apart from the dry lake, an energy-production zone and power line corridors, almost all of the City’s land in this vast valley is covered by a conservation easement granted to Clark County for the protection of the desert tortoise. |
That easement severely reduces human activity and renders it unsalable. Only Dutchman’s Pass, which is shielded by the western mountains, and some adjacent land, is unencumbered by the easement. Most of us want to preserve it in its natural state, but in any event, no developer would buy it unless the City repeals its controlled growth ordinance. That should definitely never happen.
The part of the valley closest to Railroad Pass is mainly private property and is not part of the City. Zoning decisions in that area are made by the County Commission. One developer had proposed a high density housing project on his land in that area, but he has now agreed to at least consider other options.
It may be possible for the City to sell a conservation easement on the Dutchman’s Pass land to Clark County because the County needs to expand the protected-species habitat area. The money would come from developer fees and no tax funds would be involved. In addition, the County and the City will soon begin a joint planning process to establish appropriate non-residential uses in the unincorporated area of the Valley and facilitate the potential annexation of that land into the City. If all goes well, the City can preserve Dutchman’s Pass and gain effective land-use control of the remaining private property in the Eldorado Valley.
Bruce L. Woodbury is our County Commissioner and an attorney with the law firm of Jolley Urga Wirth Woodbury & Standish. The firm has offices in Boulder City and Las Vegas. To contact Bruce, call him at 293-3674 or 699-7500, or visit his website at www.juwws.com.
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