Boulder City Magazine® May 2007 Issue
A Kid's View
by Ellie Gleich
I am so exited! Want to know why? I get out of school on May 23! Well actually, not quite. We did have one snow day that we have to make up for. Remember the article I wrote about the blizzard?
But the good thing is we don’t have any school to make up one other snow day because on the 24th and the 25th there are Teacher Work Days and on the 28th there is Memorial Day and there should be no make up snow day for that day. So if we do a make up snow day, it would be on the 29th. I doubt we will have one, but you never know!
Well, after the snow day that I might have to do, I am coming back to Nevada for the Summer! Maybe not the whole Summer, but I am going to be exited to see my friends and my family again! My Mom said, “When we come back we will be spending the night at Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house.” So I can’t wait to go there! But of course I will be spending the night at everyone else’s house too, especially my friend’s house! We are going to have so much fun!
Easter was nice this year. I went to my Grandma Phyllis’ and Grandpa Larry’s house and had a big dinner with roast beef, mashed pota-toes, and asparagus. The Grandma and Grandpa I was talking about is the one up here. My Dad’s Dad and his step Mom.
After our big dinner we played a couple of games. My favorite was called In Between. How you play is the dealer takes two cards and puts them about two inches from each other. Say for instance the cards on the table are an ace and a 6. If the ace comes out first, you get to pick if it is high or low (11 or 1). But if it comes out second, it is automatically high, so you bet how many chips you want, and if the card comes out between the two cards (the number) you get double of how much you bet! Now if it wasn’t between the two cards, you have to put in your money. I had a whole lot of fun with that game. |
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