Boulder City Magazine® May 2007 Issue
The Arts
by Darrell McGarvey
Boulder City Art Guild
Artist Profile - Anne Furno
Anne Furno was born in Wales, United Kingdom which explains her very fine and articulate British accent. Her background there includes a degree from Nottingham University in England with an Art Major. She went directly into teaching Art and Theater, creatively combining the two disciplines.
Anne relocated to California at an early age and studied under well known artists and sculptors, including Betty Davenport Ford, Eli Hazak, Phyllis Bennet and Ning Yeh, a nationally known Chinese Brush painter.
Chinese Brush painting is her current passion. She respects it for its simplicity, sensitivity and gentle philosophy. She passionately enjoys portraying the vitality of God’s creation through the interaction of Yin and Yang. Most of her work exhibited in the Gallery at the Boulder Dam Hotel is her brush painting with a few pieces of sculpture and an occasional piece of beautiful collage depicting various Chinese teachings. Her brush painting subjects go far beyond the usual bamboo and flowers. Horses, cats, birds, dolphin, and Oriental people are abundant. Even a squirrel on a branch is quite realistic even with minimal brush strokes. Ms. Furno has definitely mastered the art of Chinese Brush Painting.
Anne moved to Southern Nevada in the 90s and “is happily situated for life,” but that doesn’t mean a retired life without activity. She is very active in her art work and various community functions. The results of some of that activity may be seen at the Boulder City Art Guild Gallery where she is currently the Featured Artist. Her exhibit in cubicle one will remain through the end of June.
Her motto is “I offer visual tranquility to a cluttered world.”
Visit the Boulder City Art Guild at www.bouldercityartguild.org
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