Boulder City Magazine® February 2006 Issue
A Kid's View
by Ellie Gleich
Love Month
February is the month where you’re most likely to get in a love situation, and that’s why they call it the love month. People, even secret admirers, may get you love-related things like love letters, flowers, candy and beautiful gifts. And don’t forget kissing! Sometimes that doesn’t happen, but for me, except for the kissing part, I usually get lucky. |
For girls like me, all we talk about is boys, make-up, clothes, and what happened in school. But this month girls can talk about boys extra long! I don’t know what boys do but probably the same, talk about girls! I have some guys that I like, but I am picky. I only like guys if they are cute and have a nice personality.
I have teachers at school that are really cool. Mr. Fish is one of my favorite teachers. He teaches life science and he has a whole bunch of animals. But the best thing about him is that he can be really nice. Another teacher I like is Mr. Poindexter. He doesn’t teach me but he always says hi to me when I walk down the hall to get to different classes. He is awesome!
In the month of February, I don’t only think about boys and stuff but I also think about who is coming to my birthday party. My birthday is in March so that means only 1 more month! What I’m thinking about doing is going bowling or ice skating, then having pizza for dinner and then a sleep-over.
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