The fact is, we only get one body per customer in this lifetime - with several after market parts available thanks to modern medicine! As many older people have said, “If I would have known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of my body.” Let’s assume that we will live for a long time, and begin to make necessary changes. We all know what to do; some people have figured out how to do it, and others actually do it. We can read a lot about exercise and nutrition, but if we don’t apply what we’ve learned, it just creates more guilt and we feel even worse. Stop trying to fool yourself.
You can start by asking yourself one question every time you eat something. And the question is, “Is this good for me?” Notice, the question wasn’t “Do I like this?” or “Is this yummy?” This simple question can really take us far if we are honest. Nutritionists say that everything we put in our body either builds it up or tears it down. To be healthy, we have to address this essential question.
To really take care of ourselves, not just nutritionally, but mentally and spiritually as well, we can ask the same question in many different situations. When we find ourselves gossiping, for example, we can stop and ask, “Is this good for me?” In a new relationship we can honestly ask ourselves, “Is this good for me?” Sometimes what we want to be good for us and what actually is good for us are two different things. When we answer the question honestly we can take steps toward health and well-being.
Click here to view Pati's brochure regarding mind, body, spirit programs for those with cancer.
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