Summer is finally here, and the kids are home with no school to keep them busy. Are you looking for something athletic and safe for them to do and would like them to get in better shape? Do they have dreams of playing for the Bobcats or Eagles basketball teams in the future?
Then our Summer Youth Basketball Camp is the ticket for you! Offered through the Boulder City Parks and Recreation Department, the main goal of the clinic is to have fun and improve our campers’ basketball skills.
This is our fourth year of offering the Camp, and it has become quite popular, averaging at least 20 to 25 boys and girls per day. Camp starts on June 15th, and runs until August 18th. We meet Monday through Thursday from 1 to 3pm in the Recreation Department’s New Gym. The cost is $5 per day, and you can come for one day or all nine weeks. Sign-ups for the clinic are taken at the Recreation Department Offices at 900 Arizona Street. If you have any questions, please contact them at 702-293-9256.
The camp focuses on the fundamentals, or basics, of basketball: dribbling, passing, shooting and rebounding. We will also throw in some limited offense and defense. For the older and more experienced players, we work on zone and man-for-man defenses, simple offensive plays, setting screens, v-cuts, and whatever else they need to work on to become better ballplayers.
The first half of each clinic is devoted to drills and skill development, and the second half is the kids’ favorite: scrimmaging and playing bump or bubble. On Thursdays, we try and reward the campers by having a game day and using the basketball skills they have been working on throughout the week.
Our camp has become a feeder program for the local basketball teams. Several of our past campers have played on our Bobcats teams, and many will be playing for the Eagles next year. The main goal we try to accomplish at the camp is for the kids to have fun and learn how to play my favorite sport – basketball! |