Boulder City Magazine is a monthly publication full of information about Boulder City and Southern Nevada. Boulder City Magazine features the Boulder City Home Guide, a real estate guide to Boulder City and Southern Nevada.

Travel Now
by Ihla Crowley
Drifter Sister

Five Foods To Avoid
Air travel can be uncomfortable, for several reasons, not the least of which is indigestion and bloating. Knowing what not to eat before getting on the plane might help to control your comfort level. Airport dining options are limited, but with discipline, avoiding the gut-busting trifecta of grease, alcohol and carbonation can help with a bloat-free flight.

1. Worst Offender – Greasy, artery-clogging fast food joints typically found in airports (think Big Mac and Whopper). Laden with sodium and saturated fats, the fare found here is hard to digest under normal circumstances, let alone at 37,000 feet. Plus, the sodium could contribute to swollen feet, possibly leading to the dreaded ‘economy class syndrome,’ officially known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), the formation of a blood clot in the leg.

2. The Gas Giants – It’s smart to avoid foods that encourage intestinal expansion, since the pressurized airplane cabin promotes further bloating. Again, fried and super-saturated dishes, but even some ‘healthy’ foods, such as onions, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, can add to the problem.

3. Alcohol – Some travelers consider a few cocktails part of their pre-flight protocol, to quell fear of flying, or as an aid to sleep. But doctors suggest avoiding alcohol before a flight, as its diuretic tendencies contribute to dehydration and can make it difficult to fall back to sleep once awakened.

4. Carbonated Beverages – Are dehydrating and can contribute to bloating and cramping. As Lufthansa puts it on their web site: “Try to avoid carbonated drinks such as cola because they cause wind and also have a diuretic effect.”

5. Everything – A study in the Journal of Science suggests that fasting for about 16 hours before a long flight may help to fend off jet lag. Apparently, in addition to our internal clock triggered by light, we have another clock that senses when food is in short supply. We might be able to adjust to time zone changes by manipulating this second clock, based on hunger. Make your body think it’s starving, remaining awake and alert until it’s dinner time in your new destination, and reset your body’s light clock in the process. Source:

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